Design Notes Archive

Ahead of the Curve

Ahead of the Curve

With spring finally rearing its head, I’m about to embark on the second of five bathroom renovations in my new (old) house. This one, a guest bathroom, has a small square floor plan making the shower placement a challenge. In an effort to avoid a cramped shower stall that takes up valuable real estate, I’ve been toying with the idea of installing a curved shower curtain rail. Unlike glass doors, when the shower is not in use the curtain can be pushed back and fastened against the wall with a decorative tieback giving the overall space a more open feel.

Envisage a curved rail however and all too often images of poorly decorated, seriously clinical looking bathrooms come to mind. Google it, in fact, and the results are far from inspiring. Even trusty Pinterest let me down! It took some serious sleuthing but eventually I stumbled across a pair of wonderfully stylish bathrooms that have given me hope.

In both of these spaces it was a proper cast iron bathtub, not a lack of space, that directed the curved rails but the functionality is the same and the idea of a ceiling mounted shower rose speaks to my space saving intentions – directing the water straight down, rather than blasting against the curtain. Not to mention it makes for an unexpected, old world style of glamour. Something to consider indeed!  

Monika, Editor, Design Notes

Photographs © Jason Busch, Gentl & Hyers